"Grace" is right at the heart of what we want children to understand about God. As a Sunday School teacher, it's so tempting to want them to "do the right thing" - ie, to do what they're told - that we turn the Good News of Jesus into a message of "being good".
The reality of God's grace is that he loves us even though we can't actually achieve the elusive "being good". So in Sunday School I like to teach kids about Grace: God giving us what we don't deserve - the amazing generosity of God - or, as someone once said: "God's Riches At Christ's Expense"
The song 1,2,3,4 Grace has a simple message about God's grace, combined with a little joke about the sounds of the numbers one, two (to), three (free) and four (for).
Listen to a short snippet of the song here:
Here's a link to the full song: 1,2,3,4 Grace - have a listen and sing along!